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June 01, 2024
Member Login


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New User Registration!


Register with to stay up to date on important issues affecting you. You will have full access to the member's resources section and the ability to manage your own settings. You will also have the option select the mailing lists you wish to be included on to receive important emails on current issues.


You May not use a company email address to register. Please do not use a company Cell Phone number to receive text messages. Don't put 1 in front of the area code of your phone number it's not necessary. We may occasionally send out text messages to your cell phone which may contain sensitive union information or messages; we do not want these messages to be received on a company cell phone.


Complete the form below to register. You must be a current or retired member in order to register with this site. Once you submit the form, your registration information will be verified by an official, and your account will be activated upon successful verification. Generally, new are accounts are activated very quickly because an email is generated and sent automatically to the website admins. If any of your registration info is found to be incomplete or invalid; expect up to 1 or 2 hours for an admin to contact you directly to verify and correct the information in order for the account to become active. This is our safety measure to prevent non union members from fraudulently registering a new account. Thank you!


Unlike the previous website email system, this new site has the ability to break up emails and text messages into very specific lists. Users will receive messages from the lists that they sign up for. Because of that, it is important that you fill out the registration page completely and accurately.


*Important- When registering please complete all the required fields including Dept. (ex. MSF, PCS, Hub, Fitting, CMS, Fleet, Dispatch, Call Center, I & R, Stockroom, Damage Prevention, etc...) and Location (The yard or location you work out of).  In order to recieve text messages you must enable this feature during registration by selecting "Yes" in the drop down selection box, and select the correct mobile carrier you use. If your department isn't listed in the choices please let me know and I will add it, I may have missed one or two when I was creating the list. You can email me at Thank you for registering 

First Name: *
Last Name: *
Address: *
City, State/Province: * , *
Postal Code: - *
County: *
Phone: *
Cell Phone: *
Format (no spaces or dashes): xxxxxxxxxx
Select Your Cell Phone Provider:

Send Me Text Message Alerts:
E-Mail Address:
Do not use the following email domains:
Allow other members to view my email address
Confirm E-Mail Address: *
Which Department are you in?: *
Which Location do you work from?: *
Are you a Union Official or Shop Steward?: *
If you are retired, When did you retire?:

Mailing Lists :
(Check all that apply to you)
- Call Center
- Collections
- Corrosion
- Damage Prevention
- Dispatch
- Engineering (Maps & Records)
- Facilities
- Fitting
- Fleet Maintenance
- Gas Control
- Hub (Dump Trucks)
- Hub (Field Trainer)
- Hub (Toolroom)
- Hub (Welders)
- I & R
- L.N.G. Plant
- Mail Room
- Meter Shop
- Retiree's
- Security
- Stock Room
- Street Dept. Overtime List
- Support Services

Choose Username: *
(DO NOT use spaces)
Choose Password:
Password Strength:

Strong passwords contain 3 of the following
items and at least 6 characters:

- Uppercase Letters
- Lowercase Letters
- Numbers
- Symbols

Click the Preview button below to review the
registration information on the next page.

* Required Fields
Action Center

When you receive an email with 'Rapid Response' in the subject field; it means we need your help.
USW Local 12003
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